Koo Co-Founder Aprameya Radhakrishna appealed to rival social media firms to stamp out fake news from their platforms as per the new government norms.
“So whether it is Facebook, whether it is Twitter, whether it is Koo or anybody else, we will all have to make sure that all our platforms are at the same place for the 99 percent of users who actually want to use it for the right purposes.
It is for us to keep our ears to the ground and make sure that the 1 percent which actually creates havoc are treated in the right manner as per the guidelines that have been given. It is making social media a much better, more positive place,” he said in an interview.
Radhakrishna said the new guidelines will not be a problem for Koo as it is an open network and appealed to other social media firms to stamp out fake news perpetrators on their platforms.
Koo is viewed as Twitter’s alternative by a large section of the people in India.
One of the guidelines under the Information Technology (Guidelines For Intermediaries And Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 is that the companies should disclose the originator of the content aimed at inciting violence and disrupting the integrity or sovereignty of the country.
“On a platform like Koo, it is publicly available already — who is the source of all of the information, what is the initial post, who reposted it or re-Kooed it in our case– all that is publicly available. So I do not think open networks like ours will have a problem with that,” Radhakrishna said.
He also said the new guidelines will also help social media become a much better, more positive place and are a step in the right direction.
The new guidelines also state that social media platforms must remove content within 36 hours of a government or legal order.